Endless Drawing

Endless Drawing


Generator of virtually infinite drawings based on epicyclic motions and the vertical slip of their radii traces.

Core algorithm

A polyline of three or more segments rotates around a predefined center, progressively changing its configuration. The center of rotation is located at the top outside the display area. The changes are made by rotating the first segment around the center and subsequent segments around the end vertex of the previous one. The segments from the second onward are drawn at each frame, and all traces are then moved down.

Example of generating the visible part starting from drawing individual polylines (see the gray area, invisible in the final version).

Code biography

First version of the algorithm for drawing the radii of epicyclic motions without vertical slip. It was an example of the use of trigonometric functions, used in my Computer Graphics course and later published on OpenProcessing.
Reworking the code by adding the drawing of the first radius, vertical scrolling, and complete recalibration of parameters for my genesis drop on fxhash.

Some drawings

NFT on fxhash

Endless Drawing
Endless Drawing